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Ian Black is an illusionist with a talent for keeping secrets. College student Rayne Bevan has a gift for uncovering them
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In her efforts to uncover the truth, site she is swept into a hidden world of the Weir, a magical race who struggle to prevent Earth from self-destructing. Her inquiries expose Ian to those who would kill for his connection to the planet, find and as he fights to keep Rayne safe, they discover a force behind the Weir’s raging civil war – a traitor bent on launching Earth’s Armageddon.
Read the latest chapters from the novel, available on Wattpad @ http://www.wattpad.com/62672064-fade-to-black-book-one-the-weir-chronicles-chapter or pick up a copy anywhere books are sold! ISBN # 978-0-9905628-0-1 for paperback and ISBN # 978-0-9905628-1-8 for hardback. Happy Reading!