Attraction. It’s a major factor in getting what we want in life. Flowers use it on the bees, birds strut their plumage and for a variety of attention-getting ideas, turn to mammals (truthfully, I don’t get that whole baboon butt thing, but that might just be me). I’m convinced that sea life invented it with their amazing colors and design combinations which existed long before people walked the earth and we waded after them with our water-proof cameras.
Color equates to nutritious appeal and is always in the back of a chef’s mind, but it’s presentation, the moment our eyes cast upon their work of art that earns the “ahh” and is forever etched into our memories. There’s a reason foods boasting color (hopefully natural, not dyed) are healthier than the bland, lacks-nutrition white stuff. We’re wired to be attracted to them in order to survive
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. While you sit debating with your stomach whether gluttony is actually a sin, anything to avoid destroying the work of art, you won’t notice or mind the miniscule portions.
Every writer should take a cue from nature and add color to your dishes. Make those baboons sit up and take notice (anything to make them plant those rears on the ground and out of my line of vision). Truss up those characters, your locations, that drama. Work on creating colorful dialogue. If you are working with a traditional publisher, pay close attention to that cover. If you’re indie publishing, pay maximum attention to that cover. Remember, bland isn’t healthy and we’re not attracted to it. Present your readers with an eye-popping, I can’t wait to devour, but want to savor it first with my eyes initial impression, or one-of-a-kind story.
They’ll be willing to pay for it, even if it means raiding the pantry before bed later. They’ll never forget how it looked the first time they saw it and that it was worth every penny.