News & Purchase

You can purchase e-books, audiobooks, hardbacks and/or paperbacks through my Amazon Author page.

This is the location for you to stay up-to-date on the latest adventures for Ian, Rayne, Jaered, Patrick, Mara and Tara, or join the TWC (The Weir Chronicles) fan club to receive automatic notices about upcoming events such as future book launches for the series, book signings, author appearances, promotional giveaways, coupons/discounts and freebies.

Click here to be added to the fan club email list: TWC Fan Club. To quote Patrick, “I’ll wager any body part of your choosing” that I will not pass on your contact information to anyone else!

THIS MONTH’S PROMOTION: Anyone who signs up for the quarterly newsletter during the month of February 2018 will be automatically entered into the contest for an autographed copy of FADE TO BLACK!


Author Appearances/Book Signings:

June 15-17

I’ll be a featured author at the Denver Comic Con 2018. Come check out one of the panels I’ll be sitting on, or stop by my author exhibitor table in Author Alley and say hi!

February 28

Official launch of Dim the Lights, Book Five: The Weir Chronicles! Come and help me celebrate the final book in The Weir Chronicles series at the Tattered Cover, Littleton, CO at 7:00pm! There will be fun giveaways and a lucky winner will received an entire set of hardback, autographed copies!!!

June 30-July 2

Hope to you see you at my favorite event of the year! I’ll be returning as a featured author at  DENVER COMIC CON and for the first time, I’ll have a table in Author Alley where you can pick up any and all copies of the Weir Chronicles series and Wicked Ink anthologies!!! I’ll have special deals on book bundles for the series, as well as autographed copies of the anthologies by many of the contributing authors, so stop by my table while supplies last! There will also be fun door prizes, giveaways and much more.

June 10, 2017

I’ll be a featured author at the BOOK BAR at 5pm. Join me and other authors for fun and drinks! I’ve been asked to read from Wicked Ink’s newest anthology, OFF BEAT: Nine Spins on Song. Then other interested authors can have the microphone and read from their current works for a fun afternoon.

March 11, 2017

The BOOK BAR Happy Hour signing was sooo fun! What a great showing and fun time we all had. HUGS to all that joined me and my fellow authors for drinks, mingling and sales!

February 15, 2017

I had a tremendous turnout for the launch of my latest title in my Weir Chronicles series, STACK A DECK. Not only did I enjoy the fans that came to help me celebrate, but STACK A DECK hit the Denver Post bestseller list wthin the first week!!! A HUGE THANK YOU to all the fans that have enjoyed the series and support it with every newest installment!

August 24, 2016

Wicked Ink Books will be signing our latest novel, TICK TOCK: Seven Tales of Time at the Aspen Grove Tattered Cover Bookstore. Stop by to meet all seven authors!

August 18, 2016

I’ll be on the RMFW Writer of the Year panel at the Tattered Cover, Colfax location at 7pm. A great opportunity to ask your burning questions about writing and some wonderful RMFW giveaways!

July 16, 2016

Stop by the Book Bar in Denver between 4-6pm for a happy hour drink and join me for the Independent Writer of the Year announcemen party. Keep your fingers crossed! I’m one of three finalists!!!

June 22-26, 2016  Utopia Con in Nashville, TN

Utopia Con 2016

Stop by the Wicked Ink table to catch Corinne O’Flynn, Shawn McGuire, or myself for a fun time! Great giveaways and as always, all of our books will be on sale!


   June 17-19, 2016  Denver Comic Con!Denver Comic Con logo

Stan Lee meI’ll be returning as a featured author at this year’s DCC16 at Denver’s downtown Convention Center. On Friday (17th) stop by author alley between 4:45-7:00pm and have your latest Weir Chronicles book signed, or just stop by for a visit! I’ll be back in author alley on Sunday 1:30-3:45. FYI – if you haven’t picked up your copies yet, all of my novels will be for sale at the Tattered Cover booth at the tip of author alley. Or catch one of my panels, Fantasy-vs-SciFi: Drawing the Line in Fiction, and The Art of the Complex Villain. Here’s the link for all the DCC16 programming

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. Hope to see you there!

Update: SOOO Fantastic meeting Stan Lee and having my picture taken with him at DCC16!!!

May 13, 2016

Join me for a wickedly good time at the Book Bar, Denver from 7-9. I’ll be there with my Wicked Ink co-authors signing our anthology, TICK TOCK: Seven Tales of Time.

March 12, 2016

Author reading and signing at the BookBar, 5:00-6:00pm

February 15, 2016

Author reading and book signing at the Tattered Cover Bookstore, Aspen Grove, Littleton, CO 7:00pm


November 21st, 2015

Stop by the Double Tree Hotel in Aurora, Colorado between 10:00 – 4:00 and either bring or purchase FADE TO BLACK and MASKS AND MIRRORS at the holiday craft fair and have Sue sign your copies! Or just say hi and visit to keep her company! While your there, peruse the fun handmade holiday items and get your shopping done early 🙂

RMFW Conference, Sept 2015

PEN Awards 2015small


I love going to this conference every year. If you are an aspiring writer, or a seasoned one, this conference has something for everyone. This year I was presented with the PEN Award for my self-publishing!


Jeffrey Deaversmall


And. check out who I attended writing classes with and was lucky enough to meet in person!

  Jeffrey Deaver!!!

Memorial Weekend, May 2015

Denver ComicCon @ the Denver Convention Center, downtown Denver, CO

Sue hosted Brandon Parker, local magician extraordinaire on Saturday from 11:00-1:00pm in Author Alley where he amazed everyone with his sleight of hand tricks! Those who arrived early picked up a free copy of F2B or M&M and got Sue’s autograph!  3-day pass holders at #DCC15 received a free FADE TO BLACK t-shirt while supplies lasted. Those caught wearing the t-shirt by one of six spies throughout the weekend were entered into a raffle for fun prizes (6 spies=6 chances to win!). Congrats to Sandee, Caleb, Sara, Willa, Moran and Vicki for winning hardback copies of F2B/M&M and iTunes gift cards!


May 14, 2015

Check out Groovey TV’s #DCC interview with Sue on YouTube!

May 13, 2015  7:00pm

Tattered Cover Bookstore   Aspen Grove, Littleton, Colorado  7:00pm

Sue will be reading from MASKS AND MIRRORS, answering questions and signing copies. Attendees will have a chance to win 2 day-passes to this year’s DenverComicCon 2015 along with other fun prizes.

May 8, 2015  8:00pm

Tune into Party 934 Independent Radio for Sue’s interview with DJ Luke. She’ll be talking about her novels and her upcoming appearance at the DCC15!

January 14, 2015  7:00pm

The Tattered Cover Bookstore     Highlands Ranch, Colorado   7:00pm

November 30, 2014  1:00-3:00pm

The Changing Hands Bookstore    Tempe, Arizona    1:00-3:00pm


Click on the link below @RogerCharlie to check out the interviews, spotlights and for some fun tidbits from the author about MASKS AND MIRRORS!



October 22
Review at Workaday Reads
This is definitely a series book with more to come!”

October 24
Review at J Bronder Book Reviews
“This is a great story and start to a series.  I think if you like the fantasy/science fiction genre, you will really like this!”

October 27
Review from Goodreads User Cassandra G 
Intriguing tale that’s set in a magician’s world filled with illusions that you didn’t see coming!”

October 28
Review at Deal Sharing Aunt
A little different than the novels I usually read, but it was great and grabbed my attention from the first page.  The book is full of suspense, twists and turns and some romance. I loved the storyline and loved Ian and Rayne from the beginning.” 

October 30
Spotlight Feature at Gimme The Scoop Reviews

November 1
Interview at Literary Lunes Publications

November 2
Review at Therian
A stunning debut, with a thrilling mix of sci-fi and fantasy, Duff has a real hit on her hands.”

Interview at The Pen Muse

November 3
Review at A TiffyFit’s Review
Magic? Check. Urban Fantasy? Check. Characters that intrigue you? Check! Sue Duff’s Fade to Black was one of those books whose premise hooked me in, combined with an interesting cover that hints of things to come.”

November 8
Review at Read Between the Books
I loved the story.  It was new, it was fresh. I do plan on continuing the series when the next books come out because I’m totally invested in this story now and want to see where Duff takes it.”

November 9
Interview at Infinite House of Books

November 13
Review at Jorie Loves a Story

Also on the Tour
Review at Haunted Orchid
Review, Interview and Giveaway at A Cup of Tea and a Big Book
Review at So I Am a Reader!

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