A Cook’s Guide to Writing – Everyone Burns Their Hand
Writer’s block is like a cook that’s burnt their hand. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve cooked, if you’re a five-star chef or if you are a novice. Eventually every cook burns their hand. It won’t matter how you burnt it, what you burnt it on or who you can blame. You’ve burnt your hand and can’t cook. Even if you manage to ignore the pain or numbness because you’ve got great drugs (it’s a very bad burn), reality is you can’t pick up a pot or grip the pan. Staring at the utensils while leaning over the stove with your tears pooling beneath the grate won’t miraculously make a meal appear, edible or not.
Do what inspires you. Go to a restaurant and order something different off the menu. Risk salmonella and try the free samples in your local market. Even if they don’t look that fresh, you might not go bald on one side of your head or lose the sensation in your right hand for long. Take a cooking class and be open to what the teacher and other classmates share. You will never know everything in this world before you die. It’s a statistical improbability
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. I think Einstein said that or something like that, but don’t quote me.
Read books in your genre or slip out of your comfort zone and read books in another genre. Attend a writer’s group for the first time or return to one from your past. Attend conferences. Nothing’s more inspiring than to brush elbows with other writers who struggle the same as you and, no matter how successful, still remember the pain of rejection or the agony of dealing with agents and publishing houses. They can offer sage advice. Besides, it’s a blast to hang with them in the hotel bar. Writers don’t get out much, but when they do…