Mother’s Day 2014
Over the years I’ve written my share of messages to my son. Notes of love and encouragement stuck in his lunch bags, sentiments that filled up his birthday and every other special occasion cards and single sheet letters (They could have been longer but heaven forbid I bore him or worse, lose his attention).
But my biggest regret is that I never kept a journal of what he has said to me
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. Words and insight that measure his passage of time, growth and development. So, I’ve decided to post my favorites, ones that have stuck with me over the years. It’s his words that showcase what it means for me to be a mother.
His humming the entire melody to “This Old Man” while strapped in his car seat at the age of 9 months.
“Mommy, wrapper off,” while handing me a banana.
“Daddy, there’s bug legs all over you!” When his father returned from a fishing trip with stubble on his face.
While tugging on his sleeves, “Mommy, these broke.” The weather turned warm and I put him in a short sleeved t-shirt for the first time in months.
When I picked him up from his first day of kindergarten, he scrunched his nose at me. “Why did you give me such a long first name? It takes forever to write!”
“The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, too!” Glaring at me with his hands on his hips as his innocence evaporated before my eyes at the same moment his brain accepted there was no living, breathing Santa in his world (Thanks to Philip down the street).
“Mommy you’re the best!” Accompanied by the most heart-felt hug he’s ever given me, for receiving a Tasmanian Devil t-shirt that same Christmas (I wasn’t ready to give up believing and the tag still read, From Santa)
“You don’t give back something you adopt.” An eight year-old’s wisdom beyond his years. He refused to give up on a brand new puppy when she was found to have a heart defect and there was discussion we might return her to the breeder. Snickers is now fifteen years-old and still ticking and licking.
His deafening silence when words couldn’t ease his anguish and pain at the loss of his father.
“I love you, mom.” Not said in passing, etched into a birthday card or tossed in my direction after unwrapping a gift. The times he has said it as a young man and the words unmistakably came from his heart.
Happy Mother’s Day to all!