Answer these 10 questions to find out if you may be a descendant of the Weir.
If your answer is yes, give yourself one point. Tally at the end. Note: some questions have more than one possible answer.
Do you prefer outdoor activities over indoor?
Do you enjoy animals, have a pet and/or open your home to rescued animals?
Do you have live house plants? Give yourself an extra point if they live longer than a year.
Do you cultivate flower, herb or vegetable gardens? Potted varieties absolutely count.
Do you have locations on your patio or in your yard that deliberately attract and support wildlife such as a hummingbird feeder, a bird house, butterfly bushes, etc.?
Do you often take pictures of nature and/or do you have pictures in your house that bring nature inside?
Do you live in an area where you can recycle? If so, give yourself a point for each of the following: paper, plastics, glass, aluminum/metal, other
Do you recycle outside your home? If so, give yourself a point for each of the following: work, school/campus, eating establishments, parks/trails, camping, other
Do you contribute to charities that support/protect our planet? If so, give yourself a point for each of the following: domestic animals, wildlife, environment protection
Do you work, volunteer or frequently visit: a zoo or wildlife sanctuary, botanical gardens, nature and science museums, parks, other related
A score of 16-25 = You must be a direct descendent!
A score of 10-15 = In all likelihood, a distant relative
A score of 5-9 = A Weir wannabe, keep up the great efforts!
A score of 0-4 = You might be Duach. I’d improve my chances if I were you.
I got 18! I am very interested in your book and cannot wait to read!!
I got a 18, wow no wonder I am attracted to this story and am waiting, not patiently I must say, for the book to be released.
I got 15. = In all likelihood, a distant relative. 🙂